Femme on TV: Dickinson season three

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Ada, Ria, Tony Farina and Amy Bobeda gather in the Dickinsons front room to discuss the final season of AppleTV's Dickinson. They discuss Emily's place amongst war poets, how women have to adapt to survive and thrive and the atrocities of the American Civil War. And poetry, of course.

Find out more about Riot by Walter Dean Myers https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/6450024

Find out more about Tony and when his book will be published: https://www.arfarina.com/

Find More of Amy's Work at amyglenbobeda.com

Follow Ada at www.aamccartney.com and @aa_mccartney on Instagram.

Find Ria @riacarrogan on Instagram.

Creators and Guests

Ada McCartney
Ada McCartney
poet, artist, cat loverplanting seeds, nurturing treescollaborating with Wisdom Body Collectiveteaching @sienaheights@kcollege and @naropau alum
Ria Carrogan (she/her)
Ria Carrogan (she/her)
she/her. Femme on Collective producer. Host of Femme on Film, Femme on TV and Hearts and Vaginas. Pop Guerrilla. Smash the patriarchy.
Femme on TV: Dickinson season three
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