Femme On Film: Elissa Bassist
Download MP3Join us for a fiercely feminism discussion about film, media, TV, memoirs, and everything feminist with author, humour writer, teacher and generally cool person Elissa Bassist. Inspired by Elissa's substack post 'Films Shouldn't Win Awards Unless They Pass the Bechdel Test', Ria, Alyson and Elissa discuss feminism in movies (and media in general), the content we want to consume as women, and so much more!
Find out more about Elissa: https://www.elissabassist.com/
Read Elissa's substack: https://substack.com/@elissabassist
Follow Elissa on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elissabassist
Find out more about Elissa: https://www.elissabassist.com/
Read Elissa's substack: https://substack.com/@elissabassist
Follow Elissa on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elissabassist
Creators and Guests
Alyson Shelton (she/her)
Alyson Shelton writes about women across mediums + genres. She’s written about a superpowered and multi-faceted heroine in her comic Reburn, and uncovering childhood secrets in Eve of Understanding, the award winning feature she wrote and directed. In her award winning screenplay, The Night We Met, she tackles a psychological thriller through fractured realities and self-invention. She is working on a memoir in essays and her writing has been published widely at outlets including The New York Times, Ms., The Rumpus and more. Her generalist knowledge and approach make her the perfect fit for her podcast, Fine Cut, in which she and a guest take a deep dive into one scene of the guest’s choosing. You can learn more about her through her website, www.alysonshelton.com and her Instagram @byalysonshelton where she hosts a weekly Instagram Live series inspired by George Ella Lyon’s poem, Where I’m From, where she’s hosted over 100 writers and creatives.
Ria Carrogan (she/her)
she/her. Femme on Collective producer. Host of Femme on Film, Femme on TV and Hearts and Vaginas. Pop Guerrilla. Smash the patriarchy.